Grand Rapids Grand Presidential Museum

I saw the pen that Gerald Ford used to sign the Nixon pardon and the pistol that Squeaky Frome fired in an attempt to assassinate Ford. The 5 Compass Gerald Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is unlike the other 9 presidential library/museums I’ve seen in several ways. For one, it’s smaller than the others, perhaps because Ford was President as the result of historical events and not due to election victory.

Ford is the only President with 2 plms. The other is in Ann Arbor and is basically a research library. You need permission to use it. Other than a timeline, there aren’t excellent exhibits to see as there are in Grand Rapids, the town Ford considered home.

Did you know that he met his biological father for the first time when Ford was a teenager and that the man gave him twenty dollars and disappeared again? I didn’t either. More to follow.


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