Travel to Missouri

Missouri probably has more diversity in its names for places than most other states. In counties it has a TEXAS County, an OREGON County, and a DALLAS County. It has names for large cities in the USA. It has a HOUSTON, a MEMPHIS, and a PORTLAND. It has mythological and biblical towns including a CAANAN, a SPARTA, and a TROY. It has a SAVANNAH, a LANCASTER, and a TAOS, but it probably has more other state names within its borders than most other places. For example, in its state confines are towns named CALIFORNIA, a Nevada, a WASHINGTON, an almost KANSAS like expanse that includes a city, a Mississippi River border, a town named LOUISi-IANA, and an expanse named VIRGINIA. There are several foreign countries like Cuba, Lebanon, and Japan represented. There are new places like London and Madrid in this state. There are capitals like Bismark like the one in North Dakota. There’s even a Moscow among the Missouri towns.

My favorite among the towns along the river is a city called Louisiana. Louisiana, MO is on a bluff overlooking the Mississippi River in a park north of the city of St Louis between Hannibal and Clarksville where eagles accumulate in the winter. North of it is a wildlife preserve. It’s a quiet town of about 3,000 people with several Victorian mansions and many small businesses. It was named for a woman named Louisiana in 1816 about 10 miles east of Bowling Green where many Amish settled. It hopes to be part of our Green Future.

More about Louisiana is coming tomorrow.


About roads-rus

Since the beginning, I've had to avoid writing about the downside of travel in order to sell more than 100 articles. Just because something negative happened doesn't mean your trip was ruined. But tell that to publishers who are into 5-star cruise and tropical beach fantasies. I want to tell what happened on my way to the beach, and it may not have been all that pleasant. My number one rule of the road's disaster is tomorrow's great story. My travel experiences have appeared in about twenty magazines and newspapers. I've been in all 50 states more than once and more than 50 countries. Ruth and I love to travel internationally--Japan, Canada, China, Argentina, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, etc. Within the next 2 years we will have visited all of the European countries. But our favorite destination is Australia. Ruth and I have been there 9 times. I've written a book about Australia's Outback, ALONE NEAR ALICE, which is available through both Amazon & Barnes & Noble. My first fictional work, MOVING FORWARD, GETTING NOWHERE, has recently been posted on Amazon. It's a contemporary, hopefully funny re-telling of The Odyssey. View all posts by roads-rus

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